Our Vision & Values
Our Vision
To meet the needs of every child referred to us. We will continue to expand, innovate and improve so our programmes, provisions and interventions meet the needs of, and change the future for, any child in the borough in danger of ‘falling through the cracks’ (permanent exclusion, missing in education, self-exclusion or disengagement).
Our Values
We are:
- Bespoke – we tailor solutions to meet the individual needs of our students
- Inclusive – we continually adapt our provision and innovate to meet the needs of all our students.
- Relational – we believe that the cornerstone of our approach is forming the positive and nurturing relationships with our students.
- Therapeutic – we intervene so that we can help the whole child in their development.
- Aspirational – we aspire for the best outcomes for each and every one of our students.
How we work
At Coventry AP Academy and across Solihull Alternative Provision Multi Academy Trust, we ensure every decision we make and every action taken is focused around our students. Our students have a choice and a voice, we listen to them when determining their future.